
Miles Maryott Oil Painting – Landscape Fall Colors Trees and River – Dated 1937

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Product #P298C

Exceptional original oil painting done by the artist, ‘Miles Maryott’ and this painting is dated 1937.
Miles Maryott Oil Painting – Landscape. This painting is in very good original condition with a nice frame. Measures 24″ x 37″.
Miles Maryott, a local Nebraska artist, was well known in his time as both a skilled artist and a nationally recognized marksman. Miles was also a taxidermist and at one point he was hired by the government to document bird migrations.
Miles Maryott had a unique and rougher background and because of this he painted many of his paintings in the Nebraska state prison.
On the back of this particular painting, it reads: Personal Property of Phyllis Kendle – 6546 Baldwin, Lincoln, Nebraska.
This painting has beautiful fall coloring, and the scene is so intriguing with all the reflections of color in the river. Don’t miss adding this landscape painting done by Miles Maryott to your own personal painting collection.

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